乾海底椰 1 兩
乾百合 2 兩
甘筍 1 條(約半斤)
蜜棗 2 粒
陳皮 1 角
38 g dried coco-de-mer
75 g dried lily bulbs
1 carrot (about 300 g)
300 g lean pork
2 candied dates
1 quarter dried tangerine peel
1. 陳皮用水浸軟,刮去瓤。
2. 瘦肉洗淨,飛水,瀝乾水分。
3. 甘筍去皮,洗淨,切塊。
4. 海底椰、百合、蜜棗洗淨。
5. 燒滾清水 12 杯,放入全部材料,大火煲 20 分鐘,轉小火煲 2 小時,下鹽調味。
1. Soak dried tangerine peel until soft. Scrape off the pith.
2. Rinse, scald and drain lean pork.
3. Peel the carrot. Rinse and cut into wedges.
4. Rinse coco-de-mer, lily bulbs and candied dates.
5. Bring 12 cups of water to the boil. Put in all ingredients and boil over high heat for 20 minutes. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Season with salt and serve.
Why do we need to scrape off the pith from dried tangerine peel?
We should scrape off the white pith because it has a strong bitter taste.
作者:Feliz Chan