新鮮牛肉4 兩(軟腍)
黃芽白6 兩
甘筍2 兩
薑4 片
150 g fresh beef (soft)
1/2 onion
225 g Napa cabbage
75 g carrot
4 slices ginger
調味料 Seasoning:
韓式辣醬2 茶匙
2 tsps Korean chili sauce

1. 牛肉洗淨,切薄片,備用。
2. 黃芽白洗淨,切絲;洋葱去外衣,洗淨,切絲;甘筍去皮,洗淨,切絲。
3. 燒熱鑊下油1 湯匙,下薑片及洋葱炒香,放入黃芽白、甘筍、水3 湯匙及鹽半茶匙,炒至黃芽白軟身,加入牛肉及調味料炒片刻,至牛肉剛熟即可。
1. Rinse and thinly slice the beef. Set aside.
2. Rinse and shred the cabbage. Peel, rinse and shred onion and carrot.
3. Heat up a wok. Add 1 tbsp of oil. Stir-fry the ginger and onion until aromatic. Put in the cabbage, carrot, 3 tbsps of water and 1/2 tsp of salt. Stir-fry the cabbage until soft. Add the beef and seasoning. Stir-fry for a while until the beef is just done.
Which part of beef is most tender?
It is the tenderloin. It has a delicate texture and less fat.
作者:Feliz Chan