一字骨 450克(12両)
牛油紙 1張
12 taels (450g) spare ribs
1 baking paper
蒜泥 1湯匙
乾蔥(切碎) 1粒
蠔油 1湯匙
海鮮醬 2湯匙
老抽 1茶匙
糖 1茶匙
紹興酒 1/2茶匙
油 1/2茶匙
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 shallot, chopped
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
2 tablespoons Hoisin Sauce
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon Shaoxing wine
1/2 teaspoon oil
1. 一字骨分割成大小均一,洗淨吸乾水份,加醃料拌勻,封好保鮮紙,放入雪櫃醃過夜。
2. 牛油紙分成數等份,數量跟一字骨的數量相同,大小可包入一字骨。
3. 每張牛油紙包入1件一字骨,封口,放上焗盤。
4. 預熱焗爐。放入一字骨以攝氏180度烤20分鐘即可。食用前除去牛油紙。
1. Cut the ribs parallel to the bone, each with one bone. Rinse and pat the meat dry. Then mix the meat together with marinade, and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Let sit in the fridge overnight.
2. Cut the baking paper into rectangles (same number as pieces of ribs), each big enough to wrap 1 piece of rib.
3. Wrap 1 piece of rib with 1 piece of baking paper and seal. Repeat with all remaining ribs. Place the packets on the baking tray.
4. Pre-heat the oven to 180˚C and roast the packets for 20 minutes. Remove the paper before eating
1. 購買一字骨如請肉販代斬件,記得提示斬件要大小均一為理想。
2. 包牛油紙時,邊緣盡量摺至密封,也可用釘書機釘好,確保肉汁不會流出。
1. When buying spare ribs, remind the butcher to cut the ribs into similar sized pieces.
2. The wrapping should be air-tight and sealed. You can staple the paper with a stapler.