雞全翼 8隻
墨魚滑 4両
鹽 少許
胡椒粉 少許
牙籤 8支
8 whole chicken wings
4 taels mashed cuttlefish
A pinch of salt & white pepper powder
8 toothpicks
鹽 1茶匙
糖 1茶匙
黑椒 1茶匙
紅椒粉(Paprika) 1/2茶匙
橄欖油 1 湯匙
蜜糖 少許
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon olive oil
A drizzle of honey

1. 雞翼去骨:拉開整隻雞翼,在骹位斬一刀,分開雞槌和雞中翼。
2. 用廚剪剪斷雞中翼骹位的軟骨和筋,用手將雞肉向下拉,輕輕剪開黏在骨上的雞肉。
3. 轉動幾下雞翼骨,使之脫落。
4. 釀墨魚滑:墨魚滑加少許鹽、胡椒粉拌均,撻十數下。
5. 用小匙把墨魚滑釀入雞翼中,至九分滿。
6. 以牙籤串好雞翼封口。
7. 雞翼掃上已拌勻的醃料,醃30分鐘或以上更入味。
8. 烤焗:預熱焗爐;焗盤鋪入錫紙,放上烤架,排上雞翼,以攝氏180度焗15分鐘,中途焗至約10分鐘時翻面。調至攝氏200度焗5分鐘,最後2分鐘在雞翼上塗蜜糖即可。
1. Chop the joint between the drumette and the wingette to separate the two. Keep the tip intact.
2. Using a pair of kitchen shears, sever the first joint of the wingette. Push the meat, skin down and cut along the bones, to separate the meat from the bones all the way to the second joint.
3. Twist and remove the bones from the wingette.
4. Season the mashed cuttlefish with salt and pepper powder. Mix well and then bang the patty for 15 times.
5. Spoon the patty into the the wingettes until each wingette is 90% filled.
6. Seal each wingette with a toothpick.
7. Mix ingredients of the marinade together. Brush the wingettes with the marinade and sit for at least 30 minutes.
8. To bake, preheat the oven to 180°C. Line the baking tray with aluminum foil, and arrange the wings on a rack over the baking tray. Bake the wings for 15 minutes, turn over the wings in the last 5 minutes. Then change the oven temperature to 200°C and bake for 5 minutes more. Brush wings with honey in the last 2 minutes.
1. 墨魚肉煮時會脹大,釀入雞翼中時不要塞太滿。
2. 焗爐爐溫各有偏差,應視乎情況調校烤焗時間。
1. Mashed cuttlefish expands when heated. Therefore the 90% filled wings will become fully filled after they are cooked.
2. Please adjust the temperature and cooking time according to your own oven’s setting.