鮮蜆肉3 兩
粉絲1 兩(1 扎)
雞蛋3 個(大)
凍開水3/4 杯
113 g fresh shelled clams
38 g mungbean vermicelli (1 bundle)
3 large eggs
3/4 cup cold drinking water
醃料 Marinade:
ground white pepper
調味料 Seasoning:
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce

1. 粉絲剪成短度,用水浸1 小時,盛起,瀝乾水分。
2. 蜆肉洗淨,放入微滾水內飛水,瀝乾水分,下醃料醃片刻。
3. 雞蛋去殼,拂勻,加入凍開水拌勻,用隔篩過濾。
4. 粉絲放於蒸碟內,傾入蛋漿,放入蜆肉,隔水小火蒸12 分鐘,待蛋漿凝固,澆上生抽,以芫茜裝飾食用。
1. Cut mungbean vermicelli into short sections. Soak in water for 1 hour. Remove and drain.
2. Rinse the shelled clams. Blanch in slightly boiling water. Drain. Mix with the marinade and rest for a moment.
3. Shell and whisk the eggs. Mix in the cold drinking water. Filter with a sieve.
4. Put mungbean vermicelli on a dish. Pour in the egg wash. Add the shelled clams. Steam over low heat for 12 minutes. When it firms, sprinkle with the light soy sauce. Decorate with the coriander. Serve.
What is the advantage of slightly blanching shelled clams?
Besides removing their fi shy smell, it can take the moisture out so that they will not release water while steaming them with eggs.
作者:Feliz Chan