中蝦 4隻
蒜茸 1湯匙
錫紙 2張
4 medium prawns
300 g fresh clams
300 g baby cuttle sh
red chili (cut into rings)
1 tbsp nely chopped garlic
2 pieces aluminum foil
調味料 Seasoning:
生抽 1 湯匙
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1.小墨魚處理妥當,撕去外衣,洗淨, 成花紋,切塊。
4.將兩塊大錫紙重叠,排上蜆、小墨魚、中蝦、蒜茸及紅椒圈,包好,放入預熱焗爐,用 180℃上下火焗 20 分鐘,取出海鮮包,海鮮蘸生抽享用。
1. Treat the baby cuttle sh properly. Tear away the skin and rinse. Cut the body into decorative pattern. Cut into pieces.
2. Cut off the tentacles and legs of the medium prawns with a pair of scissors. Devein. Rinse and wipe them dry.
3. Rinse the shells of the clams. Drain and set aside.
4. Put a large piece of aluminum foil on top of the other. Arrange the clams, baby cuttle sh, medium prawns, garlic and red chili on top. Wrap into a parcel. Put into a preheated oven. Bake with both upper and lower heat at 180℃ for 20 minutes.
Remove the parcel. Serve the seafood with the light soy sauce.
切開墨魚筒;取出墨魚鬚;用刀去掉墨魚骨及內臟;撕去外衣;用刀在眼部 開,擠出墨魚眼;在墨魚筒上切直紋,再斜切成片狀。
How to treat the baby cuttle sh?
Cut open the cuttle sh. Take out the tentacles. Remove the bone and internal organs. Tear away the skin. Cut a slash on the eye and press out the eye. Cut the body lengthwise into pattern. Slice diagonally.
作者:Feliz Chan