冰鮮雞髀 1 隻
臘腸 1 條
冬菇 2 朵
菜遠 2 條(灼熟)
白米 1 量杯
1 frozen chicken drumstick
1 preserved pork sausage
2 dried black mushrooms
2 stalks cooked vegetable
1 measuring cup rice
Sweet soy sauce (for pot rice)
薑汁 2 茶匙
粟粉 1 茶匙
2 tsp ginger juice
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce pepper
1 tsp cornflour
1. 冬菇去蒂,用水浸軟,洗淨,切條。
2. 雞髀洗淨,斬件,下醃料及冬菇拌勻。
3. 白米洗淨,加適量水浸 1 小時,隔去水分,放入蒸飯盅內,倒入 1 比 1 的水分及鋪上臘腸,放入蒸鍋以大火蒸 15 分鐘,加入雞塊再蒸 10 分鐘,熄火,加蓋焗 10 分鐘,取出盅頭飯,淋上適量豉油汁,伴菜遠供食。
1. Remove the stalks from black mushrooms, soak until soft, rinse and cut into strips.
2. Rinse chicken drumstick, cut into pieces and mix with marinade and black mushrooms.
3. Rinse rice and soak for 1 hour. Drain and transfer into a steaming rice pot. Pour in same amount water as the rice and arrange pork sausage on top. Steam the rice pot over high heat for 15 minutes. Add chicken and steam for 10 minutes. Turn off heat and remain covered for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the rice with sweet soy sauce. Serve with cooked vegetable.
What is an alternative for steaming rice pot?
Use a flat and deep plate as an alternative, make sure it is big enough.
作者:Feliz Chan