肉蟹 1隻(約2斤,斬件)
洋蔥 1個(切塊)
蒜頭 3瓣(拍扁)
大紅辣椒 1條(切塊)
蔥 1棵(切段)
芫荽 少許
牛油 50克
1 mud crab (approximately 1200g/2 catties), cut into pieces
1 onion, cut into pieces
3 cloves garlic, crushed with a knife blade
1 large red chilli, cut into pieces
1 spring onion, sectioned
1 bunch coriander, sectioned
50g butter
黑胡椒粒 4湯匙(壓碎)
雞湯 300毫升
生抽 1湯匙
老抽 1湯匙
糖 3-4茶匙
生粉 3茶匙
4 tablespoons black peppercorns, crushed
300ml chicken broth
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
3-4 teaspoons sugar
3 teaspoons corn starch
Singapore Black Pepper Crab is a favorite dish of mine and my husband. Singapore imports crabs from Sri Lanka which are big and meaty! Just follow my recipe and you will find it exactly like eating out!

1. 開中小火,把牛油下鑊煮溶。之後加入壓碎了的黑椒,炒至略香。
2. 加入洋蔥、紅辣椒及蒜瓣,轉中大火炒香。
3. 加入蟹件炒勻,再倒進雞湯略煮。
4. 下生抽、老抽和糖炒勻,蓋上蓋煮2-3分鐘(視乎蟹大小),然後放上蔥段。
5. 把生粉與2湯匙水拌勻,然後倒進鑊中勾芡。轉用大火加熱至汁變濃稠,便可馬上熄火。
6. 上碟時灑上芫荽裝飾,即成!
1. Heat the wok over a medium low heat. Melt the butter in it and add the crushed black peppercorns. Stir fry until fragrant.
2. Add onion, red chilli and garlic. Switch to a high heat and stir fry well.
3. Add the crab and stir fry with the other ingredients. Pour in the chicken broth.
4. Then add soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar. Stir fry thoroughly. Put the lid on and cook for 2-3 minutes (depending on the crab size). Then add in spring onion.
5. Mix corn starch with 2 tablespoons of water. Add the mixture to the crab. Switch to high heat and cook until the sauce thickens. Switch off the heat.
6. Sprinkle coriander to garnish and serve.
1. 先把刀打斜放在蟹蓋與蟹臂的中間位置上,用另一隻手在刀背施力拍一下,切去蟹鉗。
2. 把蟹身翻轉,拆去蟹蓋。
3. 除去蟹肺,再用刷刷去污垢。
4. 把蟹身對半斬開成2份,然後再把每邊切成3份。
5. 把蟹臂與蟹鉗切開,再用刀背敲碎蟹鉗,即成。
To prepare the crab
1. Place the knife diagonally between the top shell and the front legs. Pat the back of the knife with another hand to chop off the front legs.
2. Turn the crab over and remove the top shell.
3. Remove the gills and brush away the dirt.
4. Halve the crab then chop each half into 3 pieces.
5. Chop off the claws from the legs. Crack the claw shell with the back of the knife.
1. 煮新加坡黑胡椒蟹不用走油,用汁煮熟蟹肉會更滑更入味。
2. 黑胡椒粒可以隨個人喜好加減來調整辣度,如不想太辣可以把份量減至3湯匙。
3. 煮蟹最好即劏即煮,如劏後超過半小時未煮,蟹肉便會變「霉」,不夠好吃。
1. No need to flash fry the crab in advance for this dish. Cooking the crab with the seasonings will make it more delicious.
2. The level of spiciness can be adjusted by the portion of black peppercorns. For less spice, the black peppercorns can be reduced to 3 tablespoons.
3. Once the crab is freshly cut up, cook it immedrately or the meat will go mushy after 30 minutes.
作者:Bonnie 玻璃朱